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This is not an exhaustive list of all talks, past, present and future. It is, however, a collection of abstracts, slides and links, where we have them, from past and planned talks.

In person meetings are on the third Saturday of the month from 1pm to 6pm (although there is no obligation to stay for the whole time) at the Broad Oak Sports & Social Club.

Virtual meetings use Jitsi and start a bit later at 2pm, you can find out more at and test out your setup at Jitsi is an open source solution, but we are not using our own hosting. It works through a web browser, so just use the link in the list email or add plugmeet to the test URL. The password will be in the list email. There is also an Electron client available from

Talks generally start at around 3pm, which gives people a chance to arrive, but at the same time doesn't force anyone to stay too late if they need to get away.

Possible future talks:

Past talks:

Join the mailing list and start talking with other Linux users in Portsmouth and surrounding areas.